Master Yield (MY) crop insurance master yield options May 03, 2024

Master Yield (MY)

Here is a brief summary of what the Master Yield (MY) is all about from our friends over at RMA:

Master yields are based on acreage and production history from all acreage of...

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Contract Price (CP) contract price crop insurance options sales closing Apr 19, 2024

Contract Price (CP)

If you have not already read the article on the Malt Barley Endorsement you may want to go back and check it out first.  We also have a Podcast episode about...

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Quality Loss (QL) Option crop insurance options ql sales closing Mar 25, 2024

Quality Loss (QL) Option

If you have not already read, the articles on Yield Adjustment, Yield Cup, and Yield Exclusion you may want to go back and check those out...

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Malt Barley Endorsement (MBE) crop insurance mbe options sales closing Mar 04, 2024

Malt Barley Endorsement (MBE)

“No Barley No Beer” if you have seen this bumper sticker then you understand what Malt Barley is.  What you might not understand is how Federal Crop...

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Written Agreements (WA) crop insurance sales closing written agreement Jan 09, 2024

Written Agreements (WA)

A Written Agreement (WA) is a specialized document crafted to offer insurance coverage for eligible crops in instances where standard coverage or rates are not...

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Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) crop insurance lrp ranchers Jul 03, 2023

Livestock Risk Protection (LRP)

As a rancher, you know that raising livestock comes with its fair share of uncertainties. Fluctuating market prices, unpredictable weather conditions, and...

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Prevent Plant crop insurance prevent plant Apr 25, 2023

Prevent Plant

You may encounter a situation where you are unable to plant your Spring Crop due to excess moisture in the field.  While this is something that can be an insurable cause...

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Crop Insurance Basics | 7: Yield Exclusion (YE) crop insurance yield options Feb 01, 2023

YE – Yield Exclusion


  • Farmer’s APH for Summer Fallow Winter Wheat is 50 bushels per acre
  • Farmer’s Coverage Level is 70%
  • Projected Price for Winter Wheat is $4.74 per...
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Winter Option (WO) Vs Replant crop insurance yield options Sep 14, 2021

Crop Insurance can be confusing…it is a Federal Program after all so there are many rules.  One of the most common questions I get in Central Montana is in regards to the Winter Option,...

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Crop Insurance Basics | 6: Revenue Protection (RP) vs Yield Protection (YP) crop insurance Oct 23, 2019

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork with the fundamentals of Crop Insurance, let’s dive into how it translates into coverage. For specific crops in Federal Crop Insurance (see table),...

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Crop Insurance Basics | 5: Projected And Harvest Prices crop insurance Oct 02, 2019


The CEPP (Commodity Exchange Price Provisions) serve as a complementary tool to either the Basic Provisions of the Common Crop Insurance Policy or the Area Risk Protection Insurance Basic...

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Crop Insurance Basics | 4: Unit Structure crop insurance Sep 24, 2019

If this is your first time to our blog I would recommend reading up on our previous posts about APH (Actual Production History) –

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